
class raytracing.thorlabs.ACN254_100_A(wavelength=None)

Bases: raytracing.specialtylenses.AchromatDoubletLens


Parameter value
fa -100.0
fb -103.6
R1 -52.0
R2 49.9
R3 600.0
tc1 2.0
tc2 4.0
te 7.7
n1 0.5876
n2 0.5876
diameter 25.4
Design Wavelengths 486.1 nm, 587.6 nm, and 656.3 nm
Operating Temperature -40 °C to 85 °C


More info:


This function adds an element at the end of the path.

Parameters:matrix (object of matrix class) – This parameter can be an element defined ABCD matrix like Lens, Space,…
Returns:matrix – The new appended matrix with the input matrix at the end
Return type:object of matrix class


>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # define an empty matrix group
>>> matGrp=MatrixGroup()
>>> matGrp.append(Space(d=10)) # add a matrix of space (d=10)
>>> matGrp.append(Lens(f=10)) # add a matrix of a lens (f=10)
>>> matGrp.append(Space(d=10)) # add a matrix of space (d=10)
>>> print(matGrp) # print to see the output ABCD matrix
|  0.000   10.000 |
|                 |
| -0.100    0.000 |

The focal lengths measured from the back vertex. This is the distance between the surface and the focal point. When the principal plane is not at the surface (which is usually the case in anything except a thin lens), the back and front focal lengths will be different from effective focal lengths. The effective focal lengths is always measured from the principal planes, but the BFL and FFL are measured from the vertex.

Returns:backFocalLength – Returns the BFL
Return type:float


Since this function returns the BFL, if the focal distance of an object is 5 and the back vertex is 2, we expect to have back focal length of 3, as the following example:

>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M1 is an ABCD matrix of a lens (f=5)
>>> M1= Matrix(A=1,B=0,C=-1/5,D=1,physicalLength=0,backVertex=2,label='Lens')
>>> BFL=M1.backFocalLength()
>>> print('the back focal distance:' , BFL)
the back focal distance: 3.0


If the matrix is the result of the product of several matrices, we may not know where the front and back vertices are. In that case, we return None (or undefined).

The front and back focal lengths will be different if the index of refraction is different on both sides.


With an image at the back edge of the element, where is the object ? Distance before the element by which a ray must travel to reach the conjugate plane at the back of the element. A positive distance means the object is “distance” in front of the element (or to the left, or before).

index [0] output object is the distance of the image in front of the element
and index [1] is the conjugate matrix.
Return type:object


>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M1 is an ABCD matrix of an object
>>> M1= Matrix(A=2,B=1,C=5,D=3,physicalLength=2,label='Lens')
>>> Image=M1.backwardConjugate()
>>> print('The position of the image:' , Image[0])
The position of the image: -0.5
>>> print(Image[1]) #print the conjugate matrix
|  2.000    0.000 |
|                 |
|  5.000    0.500 |


M2 = M1*Space(distance) M2.isImaging == True


The determinant of the ABCD matrix is always frontIndex/backIndex, which is often 1.0. We make a calculation exception when C == 0 and B is infinity: since B is never really infinity, but C can be precisely zero (especially in free space), then B*C is zero in that particular case.


A reasonable height for display purposes for an element, whether it is infinite or not. If the element is infinite, the half-height is currently set to ‘4’ or to the specified minimum half height. If not, it is the apertureDiameter/2. :param minSize: The minimum size to be considered as the aperture half height :type minSize: float

Returns:halfHeight – The half height of the optical element
Return type:float

The effective focal lengths calculated from the power (C) of the matrix.

There are in general two effective focal lengths: front effective and back effective focal lengths (not to be confused with back focal and front focal lengths which are measured from the physical interface). The easiest way to calculate this is to use f = -1/C for current matrix, then flipOrientation and f = -1/C

Returns:effectiveFocalLengths – Returns the effective focal lengths in the forward and backward directions. When in air, both are equal.
Return type:array


>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M1 is an ABCD matrix of a lens (f=5)
>>> M1= Matrix(A=1,B=0,C=-1/5,D=1,physicalLength=0,label='Lens')
>>> f2=M1.effectiveFocalLengths()
>>> print('focal distances:' , f2)
focal distances: FocalLengths(f1=5.0, f2=5.0)

This function has the same out put as effectiveFocalLengths() >>> f1=M1.focalDistances() >>> print(‘focal distances:’ , f1) focal distances: FocalLengths(f1=5.0, f2=5.0)


Flip the orientation (forward-backward) of this group of elements. Each element is also flipped individually.


This is the synonym of effectiveFocalLengths()

Returns:focalDistances – Returns the effective focal lengths on either side.
Return type:array


>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M1 is an ABCD matrix of a lens (f=5)
>>> M1= Matrix(A=1,B=0,C=-1/5,D=1,physicalLength=0,label='Lens')
>>> f1=M1.focalDistances()
>>> print('focal distances:' , f1)
focal distances: FocalLengths(f1=5.0, f2=5.0)

This function has the same out put as effectiveFocalLengths()

>>> f2=M1.effectiveFocalLengths()
>>> print('focal distances:' , f2)
focal distances: FocalLengths(f1=5.0, f2=5.0)

The chromatic aberration shifts to the focal distance from the design focal length for a range of wavelengths.

Parameters:wavelengths (list or list like) – Wavelengths in microns defaults to visible

Positions of both focal points on either side of the element.

The front and back focal spots will be different if the index of refraction is different on both sides.

Parameters:z (float) – Position from where the positions are calculated
Returns:focusPositions – An array of front focal position and the back focal position.
Return type:array


>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M1 is an ABCD matrix of a lens (f=5)
>>> M1= Matrix(A=1,B=0,C=-1/5,D=1,physicalLength=4,frontVertex=-1,backVertex=5,label='Lens')
>>> Position0=M1.focusPositions(z=0)
>>> print('focal positions (F,B):' , Position0)
focal positions (F,B): CardinalPoint(z1=-5.0, z2=9.0)

And if we move object 2 units:

>>> Position2=M1.focusPositions(z=2)
>>> print('focal positions (F,B):' , Position2)
focal positions (F,B): CardinalPoint(z1=-3.0, z2=11.0)

With an object at the front edge of the element, where is the image? Distance after the element by which a ray must travel to reach the conjugate plane of the front of the element. A positive distance means the image is “distance” beyond the back of the element (or to the right, or after).

index [0] output object is the distance of the image at the back of the element
and index [1] is the conjugate matrix.
Return type:object


>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M1 is an ABCD matrix of an object
>>> M1= Matrix(A=3,B=1,C=5,D=2,physicalLength=0,label='Lens')
>>> Image=M1.forwardConjugate()
>>> print('The position of the image:' , Image[0])
The position of the image: -0.5
>>> print(Image[1]) #print the conjugate matrix
|  0.500    0.000 |
|                 |
|  5.000    2.000 |


M2 = Space(distance)*M1 M2.isImaging == True


A list of surfaces that represents the element for drawing purposes


A simple method to obtain a MatrixGroup that includes all three matrices to travel from the front focus, through the lens, and then to the back focus.


The focal lengths measured from the front vertex. This is the distance between the surface and the focal point. When the principal plane is not at the surface (which is usually the case in anything except a thin lens), the back and front focal lengths will be different from effective focal lengths. The effective focal lengths is always measured from the principal planes, but the BFL and FFL are measured from the vertices.

Returns:frontFocalLength – Returns the FFL
Return type:float


In the following example, we have defined an object(f=5) with physical length of 4. And the front vertex is placed one unit before the front principal plane. There for the front focal length will be 4.

>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M1 is an ABCD matrix of a lens (f=5)
>>> M1= Matrix(A=1,B=0,C=-1/5,D=1,physicalLength=4,frontVertex=-1,label='Lens')
>>> FFL=M1.frontFocalLength()
>>> print('the front focal distance:' , FFL)
the front focal distance: 4.0


If the matrix is the result of the product of several matrices, we may not know where the front and back vertices are. In that case, we return None (or undefined).

The front and back focal lengths will be different if the index of refraction is different on both sides.


True if ImagingPath has at least one element of finite diameter


If True, then there is a non-null focal length because C!=0. We compare to an epsilon value, because computational errors can occur and lead to C being very small, but not 0.


>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M1 is an ABCD matrix of a lens (f=10)
>>> M1= Matrix(A=1,B=0,C=-1/10,D=1,physicalLength=2,label='Lens')
>>> print('hasPower:' , M1.hasPower)
hasPower: True
>>> # M2 is an ABCD matrix of free space (d=2)
>>> M2= Matrix(A=1,B=2,C=0,D=1,physicalLength=2,label='Lens')
>>> print('hasPower:' , M2.hasPower)
hasPower: False
insert(index: int, element: raytracing.matrix.Matrix)

This function is used to insert a matrix at a specific index.

  • index (int) – Index where the matrix is inserted.
  • element (Matrix) – Matrix object to insert. Can be a single matrix or multiple matrices within a group.


Let’s insert a 2f system in front of another 2f system to build a 4f system

>>> from raytracing import *
>>> initialGroup = MatrixGroup([Space(10), Lens(10), Space(10)])
>>> print(f"Initial 2f is imaging? {initialGroup.isImaging}")
Initial 2f is imaging? False
>>> initialGroup.insert(0, MatrixGroup([Space(15), Lens(15), Space(15)]))
>>> print(f"Final 4f is imaging? {initialGroup.isImaging}")
Final 4f is imaging? True

Let’s insert an aperture between two 2f systems with infinite diameters >>> from raytracing import * >>> system = MatrixGroup([Space(10), Lens(10), Space(10), Space(10), Lens(10), Space(10)]) >>> print(f”Has finite diameter? {system.hasFiniteApertureDiameter()}”) Has finite diameter? False

>>> system.insert(3, Aperture(50))
>>> print(f"Has finite diameter? {system.hasFiniteApertureDiameter()}")
Has finite diameter? True

This function calculates the position and the magnification of the conjugate planes.

Returns:planes – The list of position and magnification of conjugate planes
Return type:List


The first index is the position of the conjugate plane and the second index is the magnification

>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # define the elements in the optical path
>>> Lens1=Lens(f=10,label='Lens1') # lens f=10
>>> Spc1=Space(d=30,label='Space1') # space d=10
>>> Lens2=Lens(f=20,label='Lens2') # lens f=20
>>> matGrp=MatrixGroup(elements=[Lens1,Spc1,Lens2]) # make a matrix group of the created elements
>>> # print to see the transfer matrices of the space and the lens
>>> print(matGrp.intermediateConjugates())
[[90.0, -2.0]]

If B=0, then the matrix represents that transfer from a conjugate plane to another (i.e. object at the front edge and image at the back edge).


>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M1 is an ABCD matrix of a lens (f=10)
>>> M1= Matrix(A=1,B=0,C=-1/10,D=1,physicalLength=2,label='Lens')
>>> print('isImaging:' , M1.isImaging)
isImaging: True
>>> # M2 is an ABCD matrix of free space (d=2)
>>> M2= Matrix(A=1,B=2,C=0,D=1,physicalLength=2,label='Lens')
>>> print('isImaging:' , M2.isImaging)
isImaging: False


In this case: A = transverse magnification D = angular magnification And as usual, C = -1/f (always).


Largest finite diameter in all elements

load(filePath, append=False)

A MatrixGroup saved with save() can be loaded using this function.

  • filePath (str or PathLike or file-like object) – A path, or a Python file-like object, or possibly some backend-dependent object. Must be provided in OS-dependent format.
  • append (bool) – If True, the loaded elements will be appended to the current list of elements.

The magnification of the element

Returns:magnification – You can access via indexes or .transverse and .angular index [0] output object is A in the matrix and index [1] is D in the matrix.
Return type:namedtuple (transverse, angular)


>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M1 is an ABCD matrix of an object
>>> Mat= Matrix(A=1,B=0,C=-1/5,D=1,physicalLength=0,label='Lens')
>>> M=Mat.magnification()
>>> print('(A , D): (',M[0],',',M[1],')')
(A , D): ( 1.0 , 1.0 )


The magnification can be calculated having both A and D.


This function calculates the multiplication of a coherent beam with complex radius of curvature q by an ABCD matrix.

Parameters:rightSideBeam (object from GaussianBeam class) – including the beam properties
Returns:outputBeam – The properties of the beam at the output of the system with the defined ABCD matrix
Return type:object from GaussianBeam class


>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M1 is an ABCD matrix of a lens (f=10)
>>> M1= Matrix(A=1,B=0,C=-1/10,D=1,physicalLength=5,label='Lens')
>>> # B is a Gaussian Beam
>>> B=GaussianBeam(q=complex(4.999994928425984,0.0050356572916806525),w=1,R=5,n=1)
>>> print(M1.mul_beam(B)) #print the output properties
Complex radius: (10+0.0201j)
w(z): 1.000, R(z): 10.000, z: 5.000, λ: 0.0 nm
zo: 0.020, wo: 0.002, wo position: -10.000
mul_matrix(rightSideMatrix: raytracing.matrix.Matrix)

This function is used to combine two elements into a single matrix. The multiplication of two ABCD matrices calculates the total ABCD matrix of the system. Total length of the elements is calculated (z) but apertures are lost. We compute the first and last vertices.

Parameters:rightSideMatrix (object from Matrix class) – including the ABCD matrix and other properties of an element.
  • A matrix with
  • a (float) – Value of the index (1,1) in the ABCD matrix of the combination of the two elements.
  • b (float) – Value of the index (2,1) in the ABCD matrix of the combination of the two elements.
  • c (float) – Value of the index (1,2) in the ABCD matrix of the combination of the two elements.
  • d (float) – Value of the index (2,2) in the ABCD matrix of the combination of the two elements.
  • frontVertex (float) – First interface used for FFL
  • backVertex (float) – Last interface used for BFL
  • physicalLength (float) – Length of the combination of the two elements.


Consider a Lens (f=3) and a free space (d=2). The equal ABCD matrix of this system can be calculated as the following

>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M1 is an ABCD matrix of a lens (f=3)
>>> M1= Matrix(A=1,B=0,C=-1/3,D=1,label='Lens')
>>> # M2 is an ABCD matrix of free space (d=2)
>>> M2= Matrix(A=1,B=2,C=0,D=1,label='freeSpace')
>>> print(M1.mul_matrix(M2)) #print the total ABCD matrix
|  1.000    2.000 |
|                 |
| -0.333    0.333 |


If there is more than two elements, the multplication can be repeated to calculate the total ABCD matrix of the system. When combining matrices, any apertures are lost.


This function does the multiplication of a ray by a matrix. The output shows the propagated ray through the system. New position of ray is updated by the physical length of the matrix.

Parameters:rightSideRay (object from Ray class) – including the Ray properties
Returns:outputRay – New position of the input ray after passing through the element.
Return type:an object from Ray class


A propagation of a ray at height 10 with angle 10 can be written as the following:

>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M1 is an ABCD matrix of a lens (f=10)
>>> M1= Matrix(A=1,B=0,C=-1/10,D=1,physicalLength=5,label='Lens')
>>> # R is a ray
>>> R= Ray(y=10,theta=10)
>>> print('The output ray of Lens M1:\n' , M1.mul_ray(R))
The output ray of Lens M1:
 y = 10.000
theta =  9.000
z = 5.000

And after a free space (d=2)

>>> # M2 is an ABCD matrix of free space (d=2)
>>> M2= Matrix(A=1,B=2,C=0,D=1,physicalLength=2,label='freeSpace')
>>> M=M1.mul_matrix(M2)
>>> print('The output ray of Lens M1 and free space M2:\n' , M.mul_ray(R))
The output ray of Lens M1 and free space M2:
 y = 30.000
theta =  7.000
z = 7.000


If the ray is beyond the aperture diameter it is labelled as “isBlocked = True” but the propagation can still be calculated.

opticalInvariant(ray1, ray2, z=0)

The optical invariant is a quantity that is conserved for any two rays in the system. It is very general and any two rays can be used. At a given position z, it is simply n✕(θ₁y₂ - θ₂y₁), where n is the index at that z.

In an ImagingPath, it will often be calculated with the principal and axial rays, in which case the optical invariant is called the Lagrange Invariant. The Lagrange invariant is the maximal optical invariant that guarantees neither rays will be blocked.

  • ray1 (object of Ray class) – A ray at height y1 and angle theta1 (default=None)
  • ray2 (object of Ray class) – A ray at height y2 and angle theta2 (default=None)
  • z (float) – A distance that shows propagation length (default=0)

opticalInvariant – The value of the optical invariant constant for ray1 and ray2

Return type:



Since there is no input for the function, the optical invariant value is calculated for chief and marginal rays.

>>> from raytracing import *
>>> path = ImagingPath() # define an imaging path
>>> # use append() to add elements to the imaging path
>>> path.append(Space(d=10))
>>> path.append(Lens(f=10,diameter=10,label="f=10"))
>>> path.append(Space(d=30))
>>> path.append(Lens(f=20,diameter=15,label="f=20"))
>>> path.append(Space(d=20))
>>> ray1, ray2 = Ray(0.5,0.05) , Ray(3,0.25)
>>> print('optical invariant :', path.opticalInvariant(ray1,ray2))
optical invariant : 0.025000000000000022


This quantity is L = n (y1 theta2 - y2 theta1)


List of points of interest for this element as a dictionary:

Parameters:z (float) – The position
pop(index: int)

This function is used to remove a matrix at a specific index.

Parameters:index (int) – Index where the matrix is removed.
Returns:poppedElement – The removed matrix.
Return type:Matrix


Let’s remove an aperture from a 4f system: >>> from raytracing import * >>> system = MatrixGroup([Space(10), Lens(10), Space(10), Space(10), Lens(10), Space(10), Aperture(100)]) >>> print(f”Has finite diameter? {system.hasFiniteApertureDiameter()}”) Has finite diameter? True

>>> aperture = system.pop(-1) # Removes the last element
>>> print(f"Has finite diameter? {system.hasFiniteApertureDiameter()}")
Has finite diameter? False

Positions of the input and output principal planes.

Parameters:z (float) – Position from where the positions are calculated
Returns:principalPlanePositions – An array of front principal plane position and the back principal plane position.
Return type:array


>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M1 is an ABCD matrix of a lens (f=5)
>>> M1= Matrix(A=1,B=0,C=-1/5,D=1,physicalLength=3,frontVertex=-1,backVertex=5,label='Lens')
>>> Position0=M1.principalPlanePositions(z=0)
>>> print('PP positions (F,B):' , Position0)
PP positions (F,B): PrincipalPlanes(z1=0.0, z2=3.0)
save(filePath: str)

A MatrixGroup can be saved using this function and loaded with load()

Parameters:filePath (str or PathLike or file-like object) – A path, or a Python file-like object, or possibly some backend-dependent object. Must be provided in OS-dependent format.

Show the chromatic aberrations focal shifts for this lens as obtained from the function focalShifts()

Parameters:wavelengths (list or list like) – Wavelengths in microns defaults to visible

Trace the input ray from first element until after the last element, indicating if the ray was blocked or not.

Parameters:inputRay (object of ray class) – A ray with height y and angle theta
Returns:rayTrace – Returns a ray trace (i.e. [Ray()]) starting with inputRay, followed by the ray after each element.
Return type:object of ray class


If an element is composed of sub-elements, the ray will also be traced in several steps. If any element blocks the ray, it will be indicated.


This function trace each ray from a group of rays from front edge of element to the back edge. It can be either a list of Ray(), or a Rays() object: the Rays() object is an iterator and can be used like a list.

Parameters:inputRays (list of object of Ray class) – A List of rays, each object includes two ray. The fisr is the properties of the input ray and the second is the properties of the output ray.
Returns:rayTrace – List of Ray() (i,e. a raytrace), one for each input ray.
Return type:object of Ray class


First, a list of 10 uniformly distributed random ray is generated and then the output of the system for the rays are calculated.

>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M is an ABCD matrix of a lens (f=10)
>>> M= Matrix(A=1,B=0,C=-1/10,D=1,physicalLength=2,label='Lens')
>>> # inputRays is a group of random rays with uniform distribution at center
>>> nRays = 10
>>> inputRays = RandomUniformRays(yMax=0, maxCount=nRays)
>>> Tr=M.traceMany(inputRays)
>>> #index[0] of the first object in the list is the first input
>>> print('The properties of the first input ray:\n', Tr[0][0])
The properties of the first input ray:
 y =  0.000
theta =  0.153
z = 0.000
>>> #index[1] of the first object in the list is the first output
>>> print('The properties of the first output ray:\n', Tr[0][1])
The properties of the first output ray:
 y =  0.000
theta =  0.153
z = 2.000
traceManyThrough(inputRays, progress=True)

This function trace each ray from a list or a Rays() distribution from front edge of element to the back edge. Input can be either a list of Ray(), or a Rays() object: the Rays() object is an iterator and can be used like a list of rays. UniformRays, LambertianRays() etc… can be used.

  • inputRays (object of Ray class) – A group of rays
  • progress (bool) – if True, the progress of the raceTrough is shown (default=Trye)

outputRays – List of Ray() (i,e. a raytrace), one for each input ray.

Return type:

object of Ray class


Since the input of this example is random, we should not expect to get the same results every time.

>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M is an ABCD matrix of a lens (f=10)
>>> M= Matrix(A=1,B=0,C=-1/10,D=1,physicalLength=2,label='Lens')
>>> # inputRays is a group of random rays with uniform distribution at center
>>> nRays = 3
>>> inputRays = RandomUniformRays(yMax=5, yMin=0, maxCount=nRays)
>>> Tr=M.traceManyThrough(inputRays)
>>> print('heights of the output rays:', Tr.yValues)
heights of the output rays: [4.323870378874155, 2.794064779525441, 0.7087442942835853]
>>> print('angles of the output rays:', Tr.thetaValues)
angles of the output rays: [-1.499826089814585, 0.7506850963379516, -0.44348989046728904]


We assume that if the user will be happy to receive Rays() as an output even if they passed a list of rays as inputs.

traceManyThroughInParallel(inputRays, progress=True, processes=None)

This is an advanced technique to gain from parallel computation: it is the same as traceManyThrough(), but splits this call in several other parallel processes using the multiprocessing module, which is os-independent.

Everything hinges on a simple command that will apply the provided function to every element of the array, but across several processors. It is trivial to implement and the benefits are simple: if you create 8 processes on 8 CPU cores, you gain a factor of approximately 8 in speed. We are not talking GPU acceleration, but still: 1 minute is shorter than 8 minutes.

  • inputRays (object of Ray class) – A group of rays
  • progress (bool) – If True, the progress in percentage of the traceTrough is shown (default=True)

outputRays – List of Ray() (i,e. a raytrace), one for each input ray.

Return type:

object of Ray class


One important technical issue: Pool accesses the array in multiple processes and cannot be dynamically generated (because it is not thread-safe). We explicitly generate the list before the computation, then we split the array in #processes different lists.


Contrary to trace(), this only returns the last ray. Mutiplying the ray by the transfer matrix will give the correct ray but will not consider apertures. By “tracing” a ray, we do consider all apertures in the system.

Parameters:inputRay (object of Ray class) – A ray at height y and angle theta
Returns:rayTrace – The height and angle of the last ray after propagating through the system, including apertures.
Return type:object of Ray class


>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # M is an ABCD matrix of a lens (f=10)
>>> M= Matrix(A=1,B=0,C=-1/10,D=1,physicalLength=2,label='Lens')
>>> # R1 is a ray
>>> R1=Ray(y=5,theta=20)
>>> Tr=M.traceThrough(R1)
>>> print('the height of traced ray is' , Tr.y,  'and the angle is', Tr.theta)
the height of traced ray is 5.0 and the angle is 19.5


If a ray is blocked, its property isBlocked will be true, and isNotBlocked will be false.


The list of Matrix() that corresponds to the propagation through this element (or group). For a Matrix(), it simply returns a list with a single element [self]. For a MatrixGroup(), it returns the transferMatrices for each individual element and appends them to a list for this group.

Returns:transferMatrices – The transfer matrix for each element in the matrix group
Return type:List of matrices


>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # define the elements in the optical path
>>> Spc1=Space(d=10,label='Space1') # space d=10
>>> Lens1=Lens(f=10,label='Lens1') # lens f=10
>>> matGrp=MatrixGroup(elements=[Spc1,Lens1]) # make a matrix group of the created elements
>>> # print to see the transfer matrices of the space and the lens
>>> print(matGrp.transferMatrices()[0])
|  1.000   10.000 |
|                 |
|  0.000    1.000 |
f = +inf (afocal)
>>> print(matGrp.transferMatrices()[1])
|  1.000    0.000 |
|                 |
| -0.100    1.000 |

The transfer matrix between front edge and distance=upTo

Parameters:upTo (float) – The axial distance from the front edge of the first element (default=+Inf)
Returns:transferMatrix – The transfer matrix from the front edge of the first element to the distance upTo
Return type:object of matrix class


>>> from raytracing import *
>>> # define the elements in the optical path
>>> Spc1=Space(d=10,label='Space1') # space d=10
>>> Len=Lens(f=10,label='Lens') # lens f=10
>>> Spc2=Space(d=10,label='Space2') # space d=10
>>> matGrp=MatrixGroup(elements=[Spc1,Len,Spc2]) # make a matrix group of the created elements
>>> print(matGrp.transferMatrix(upTo=15)) # print to see the transfer matrix in distance=15
|  0.500   10.000 |
|                 |
| -0.100    0.000 |


If “upTo” falls inside an element of finite length, then it will request from that element a “partial” transfer matrix for a fraction of the length. It is up to the Matrix() or MatrixGroup() to define such partial transfer matrix when possible. Quite simply, Space() defines a partial matrix as Space(d=upTo).

When using this transfer matrix, any information related to rays that have been blocked is lost: apertures are not part of the ray formalism. To find out if a ray has been blocked, you must use trace().


__init__([wavelength]) A base class for any lens that we make from its individual elements

Inherited Methods

append(matrix) This function adds an element at the end of the path.
backFocalLength() The focal lengths measured from the back vertex.
backwardConjugate() With an image at the back edge of the element, where is the object ? Distance before the element by which a ray must travel to reach the conjugate plane at the back of the element.
displayHalfHeight() A reasonable height for display purposes for an element, whether it is infinite or not.
effectiveFocalLengths() The effective focal lengths calculated from the power (C) of the matrix.
flipOrientation() Flip the orientation (forward-backward) of this group of elements.
focalDistances() This is the synonym of effectiveFocalLengths()
focalShifts([wavelengths]) The chromatic aberration shifts to the focal distance from the design focal length for a range of wavelengths.
focusPositions(z) Positions of both focal points on either side of the element.
forwardConjugate() With an object at the front edge of the element, where is the image? Distance after the element by which a ray must travel to reach the conjugate plane of the front of the element.
fromFocusToFocus() A simple method to obtain a MatrixGroup that includes all three matrices to travel from the front focus, through the lens, and then to the back focus.
frontFocalLength() The focal lengths measured from the front vertex.
hasFiniteApertureDiameter() True if ImagingPath has at least one element of finite diameter
insert(index, element) This function is used to insert a matrix at a specific index.
intermediateConjugates() This function calculates the position and the magnification of the conjugate planes.
load(filePath[, append]) A MatrixGroup saved with save() can be loaded using this function.
magnification() The magnification of the element
mul_beam(rightSideBeam) This function calculates the multiplication of a coherent beam with complex radius of curvature q by an ABCD matrix.
mul_matrix(rightSideMatrix) This function is used to combine two elements into a single matrix.
mul_ray(rightSideRay) This function does the multiplication of a ray by a matrix.
opticalInvariant(ray1, ray2[, z]) The optical invariant is a quantity that is conserved for any two rays in the system.
pointsOfInterest(z) List of points of interest for this element as a dictionary:
pop(index) This function is used to remove a matrix at a specific index.
principalPlanePositions(z) Positions of the input and output principal planes.
profileFromRayTraces(rayTraces[, z])
save(filePath) A MatrixGroup can be saved using this function and loaded with load()
showChromaticAberrations([wavelengths]) Show the chromatic aberrations focal shifts for this lens as obtained from the function focalShifts()
trace(inputRay) Trace the input ray from first element until after the last element, indicating if the ray was blocked or not.
traceMany(inputRays) This function trace each ray from a group of rays from front edge of element to the back edge.
traceManyThrough(inputRays[, progress]) This function trace each ray from a list or a Rays() distribution from front edge of element to the back edge.
traceManyThroughInParallel(inputRays[, …]) This is an advanced technique to gain from parallel computation: it is the same as traceManyThrough(), but splits this call in several other parallel processes using the multiprocessing module, which is os-independent.
traceThrough(inputRay) Contrary to trace(), this only returns the last ray.
transferMatrices() The list of Matrix() that corresponds to the propagation through this element (or group).
transferMatrix([upTo]) The transfer matrix between front edge and distance=upTo


determinant The determinant of the ABCD matrix is always frontIndex/backIndex, which is often 1.0.
forwardSurfaces A list of surfaces that represents the element for drawing purposes
hasPower If True, then there is a non-null focal length because C!=0.
isImaging If B=0, then the matrix represents that transfer from a conjugate plane to another (i.e.
largestDiameter Largest finite diameter in all elements